Citizen Resources for Commenting
on the I-495/I-270 Draft Environmental Impact Statement
The resources below are intended to help interested citizens meet the November 9 deadline for sending the Maryland Dept. of Transportation your comments on the draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for its $11 billion plan to widen I-270/I-495 for privatized toll lanes. Many were developed with the help of the University of Maryland environmental law clinic, Maryland Sierra Club, and others.
DEIS Overview (National Parks Conservation Association) Click here
DEIS comment writing tips and keywords Click here
Key regional Issues Click here
NEW Technical Analysis of I-495/I-270 DEIS (Smart Mobility, Inc.)
Archived comments from Maryland legislators, Montgomery County, the Maryland General Assembly, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church, Union of Concerns Scientists, Maryland Sierra Club, CABE, and others.