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We Need Your Help to Stop the $11 Billion Expansion

of 1-270/I-495 for Privatized, For-Profit Tollways

CABE and have launched a new effort to recruit volunteers to go into our communities and persuade thousands of local citizens to write comments on the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) before the new November 9 deadline. Public comments are key to protecting our communities, environment and wallets from this huge boondoggle.


Volunteers are needed to spread the word

Our goal is print door hangers and recruit volunteers to distribute them throughout their communities.


To volunteer, send a message to (Please provide your name, address, contact information (e-mail or phone number) and how you might be interested in helping.)

To defray printing costs, click here to donate to the CABE/DW270 outreach effort. All donations made to CABE through September 30 will be used solely to fund this critical effort.

Spread the Word

We have until November 9 to convince MDOT and our elected officials to support the No-Build Option in the DEIS and stop the I-495/I-270 expansion plan from: 


*Making traffic jams worse for most drivers on I-270 and nearby local roads.

*Invading parkland and worsening air pollution, stormwater runoff and flooding, and global warming gas emissions.

*Using our tax dollars (and a $2 billion WSSC rate hike) to subsidize tollway company costs despite state promises the tollways would pay for themselves.

Make a difference. Tell MDOT.

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